
Friday 9 August 2013

U.S five themes of Geography and Standards

The US Five Themes of Geography
Education Module:

In 1984, the National Council for Geographic Education and the Association of American Geographers published a set of guidelines as a framework for teaching geography. The five themes of geography found in that publication, and adopted by many American classrooms, are:
1. Location
Relative Location
 Absolute Location
2. Place
 Human Characteristics
 Physical Characteristics
3. Human - Environmental Interactions (HEI)
 Humans adapt to the environment
 Humans modify the environment
 Humans depend on the environment
4. Movement
5. Regions
 Formal - official borders
 Functional - connections
 Vernacular - perceptual, but not formal ("Tri-City"," Mid-West")

The US National Geography Standards
Education Module:

 Key Concepts
 Place, Space, Scale
 Physical and Human Processes
 Environmental Interaction and Sustainable Development
 Cultural Understanding and Diversity
 Key Processes
 Geographical Enquiry
 Fieldwork and Out-of-Class Learning
 Graphicacy and Visual Literacy
 Geographic Communication
In 1994 a set of National Geography Standards of were distributed by the National Council for Geographic Education as an update to the previous framework with a more detailed set of six standards and 18 principles for students to master.

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